Category: Destinations
Traveling to Japan? Here are Five Helpful Tips
A land of delectable foods, bowing deer, and fancy toilets, Japan is undoubtedly a top travel destination. Now, if this is your first time journeying to Japan, fear not, here are five tips to remember as you envision your trip. Read more
A Beautiful Winter Hike: Go for Grotto
As the winter lingers on, why not go for Grotto by hiking the beautiful Grotto Canyon Trail? On this winter hike, discover waterfalls frozen in time, snow-crested peaks, and a peace you will only find in the wintertime. Read more
Bird Alert! Dabblers, Divers and More at South Padre
Not only a tropical paradise for travelers, but for birds too, South Padre Island is the place to be for birders. From sandpipers skipping along the shores to pelicans soaring overhead, discover the beautiful birds of coastal South Texas. Read more
Meet the Wacky and Wonderful Animals of Australia
Sleepier than an adolescent and likely far furrier, the koala is an Aussie icon. However, the koala is only one of the many wacky and wonderful animals of Australia. From the sleepy to the screechy, read on to discover these furry and feathery creatures at three spots in Eastern Australia. Read more
Uncover a Wonder: Four Beautiful Hikes in Jasper
Snowcapped peaks, lush forests, and babbling creeks. Full of unofficial wonders and hidden gems, no picture or painting can fully capture the majestic landscapes of Jasper National Park. Now, one of the best ways to uncover a wonder is to explore by foot. This is why I recommend you take a hike. However, you may… Read more